OOOOH™ by betacalco OOOOH™ Ooooh dazzles up traditional linear lighting concepts with an innovative louver system. An assembly of ellipses is incurved to conform to a tunnel-shaped profile creating a subtle aesthetic and sublime lighting effect. The louver system not only tempers the starkness of the commonly exposed diffuser and adds an enchanting decorative feature, […]
Le Louvre

Le Louvre by Betacalco Stunning three-dimensional diagonal louver Le Louvre features a neutral, architectural appearance. Its outline is an inoffensive rectangle with good proportions and a compact cross section. In this respect it’s similar to the most chosen designs amongst linear pendant downlight/uplight office systems, but with a “je ne sais quoi”. Learn More

Design Patent Pending Le Louvre by Betacalco features a stunning three-dimensional diagonal louver structure that gives the profile a closed appearance when the light is switched off and an open appearance when the light source is on. Consider this low-glare aesthetic alternative to generic rectangular office lighting systems. Product Overview: Design Patent Pending Le Louvre features a stunning three-dimensional diagonal louver […]